I can't believe it's Christmas in about two weeks! It's unbelievable how quickly time passes, it’s almost the end of the year (!) but I'm excited that we've finally entered the happiest season of the year!
One of my favorite traditions over the last 8 years is to create an album just for December. December Daily was inspired by AliEdwards, an album to capture the magic of this very festive month. Not only does it encourage us to record each day, hence the daily, but it also helps us remember what really matters.
I just enjoy browsing at my old dd's every now and then, they are really a treasure 💗
DecDaily aims at preserving all those December memories, but there are many who choose to stop on Christmas Day while others continue until Epiphany.
The goal is the same: to capture the Christmas spirit and all the festive celebrations within our home or outdoors!
And this can be done whether you choose a D-ringed album, a Flipbook, a TNotebook or whatever seems right for you...
But how am I going to fill an entire album with, when some days seem just like a daily routine? What I do is try to “mine” that little something in every day that makes it special, magical...
Some classic ideas:
- family traditions
- favorite family holiday recipes
- turning on the lights on the tree
- decorating the house
- favorite ornament
- favorite drink...
But there are also some days when all you want to do is wear your pjs and eat popcorn in front of your TV screen...how festive this can be 😋 Yes, but it’s actually part of your life, so THIS IS ALSO included in our album!
To get started all you need to do is organize your materials.. your album, papers and embellishments, stamps and inks, markers, glue or double-sided tape...
And you are ready! Now it’s your turn!
You still have enough time to get started today!
And of course we are looking forward to all of your amazing creations!
Until next time,
Keep on creating!
Artistic kisses